Tuesday, 19 March 2019


As usual, student's nature is like "Your group go first laaaa๐Ÿ˜–!" 

But for your information we have already decided our team of Finanziรฉren are going to be the special group who will be the first group "BUKAN BESHE BESHE NAA ๐Ÿ˜".

So we did it! We not only be the first group but we are the only one group who present today "hukhuks"  - Feel Revenge ๐Ÿ‘ฟ. By the way, you can take a look at our blog's pages before this that relate "Our Challanges Before Presentation Happen" Bai' Tawarruq.

So, this presentation we still choose the application of NEARPOD & KAHOOT as our way to present. This is our second time using nearpod . Day by day, we more expert using this app and we are thankful to hana as our editor who play her role very well.

 If you guys wonder what kind of application (Kahoot) we are using for , it's a Q&A  which the students can login using code that have given. The monitoring can see how many students answer the questions correctly. 

The presenter is not allowed to join the game ๐Ÿ˜ก only the audience can take part ๐Ÿ˜ค But Puteri insist join the game quietly without anyone knowing. And guess what?!! Puteri got number 1 using Rara's nickname ๐Ÿ˜‚ After knowing who's Rara is, they are mad at us hikhik๐Ÿ˜œ by the way Rara is nickname of Aira ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

So here it is we are going to show you what inside our nearpod :

introduction of  members

Aira as the 1st presenter was explained definition and legality of hiwalah

Ayuni , second presenter explained nature and pillars of hiwalah

Third presenter, hana was explained types and flows of hiwalah

Alif explained valid condition of hiwalah

Puteri did draw modern application such as transfer money, overdraft,suftajah and credit card 

Q&A section .
We accepted a lot of questions from our friend and thank you for taking part and give a reaction towards our presentantion๐Ÿ’— 

After presentation, we decided to do a game with audience to make sure that they are fully understand our topic! So it's a game time yayyy!! Let's play kahoot ! 


Alif is monitoring the game ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Everyone take part in this game๐Ÿ‘

Focusing ๐Ÿ’ฏ
This is one of an example question from us 

Through that we can see 13 students got it right 

Yayyy we done! As i told you rara got number 1 which puteri use that name HAHAHA ๐Ÿ˜…

So how kahoot works?  It based on your answer the questions correct + speed . So that's how you will get more point ๐Ÿ‘Œ

 Yay this is our picture after presentation !! We did it very well ๐Ÿ’™ Great teamwork & best group ever !

So thank you to everyone who take part and join us playing game especially our lecturer, Sir Fakhrurrazi . Also we are going to congrate for those who got top 3 ๐Ÿ’•  



On 19 March ,which is the day that we have to present our topic to the whole class . So here we go, before our class start, we went to the library for our last discussion. By the way, "OUR FOUNDATION CLASS IS POSTPONE hikhik". We are thankful that we got a free time for preparation. Every member are trully understand the whole topic and we help each other because "You Never Walk Alone #YNWA". At the same time , we give our best commitment for our last presentation before final. Although, we face many challanges in this presentation but we face it with slowly and peaceful.

Behind the scene, we are happy and look like 100% ready but in deep inside we are absolutely stress and tired because we slept quite late one day before "We Charge For The Guns". 

Puteri was explained her points to us ๐Ÿ˜„

Everyone is focusing ๐Ÿ˜†
Hana still searching more points ๐Ÿ˜ต

Sunday, 17 March 2019


On 14th March, the day that SPM result has been announced and Aira's brother is the one of the candidate batch 01. But we don't want to talk about his SPM result ๐Ÿ˜‚. On this day, our group decided to divided the point of Hiwalah for each member by votting and we must pick a piece of paper that Puteri have made. So this is how we divided it fairly because before this, when our topic of Bai' Tawarruq Puteri and Alif have argue to get the easy point. But at the end Puteri has give up and gave the point  to Alif. In a piece of paper, has the number from number 1 until number 5 :

1- Defination and Legality of Hiwalah - Aira
2- Nature and Pillars of Hiwalah - Ayuni
3- Flow of Hiwalah - Hana
4- Valid Condition of Hiwalah - Alif
5- Modern Application of Hiwalah - Puteri

 But it's just for each member to play their role to find more points but not for our point to presentation. 

Pick one piece of paper

Scramble to get the paper

Open the number's of paper

Feeling "Redha"๐Ÿ˜„

Happy with the topic ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Thursday, 14 March 2019


"Kring kring" We got a notyyyyyyyy!!! It's a whatsapp from Sir Fakhrul!

Meet you at the library ๐Ÿ˜Ž!

5th March 2019 : This is first time we did a class of Contract in Islamic Finance at the library. We are very chill and relax while doing past year questions. We sat in the group of finanzieren and discuss about how to answer the past year question June 2018. Not only that, this is for our fully preparations for exam because "We road to Final Exam๐Ÿ˜ฑ"!. 

Answer the question - feeling relax ๐Ÿ˜Š

Sir Fakhrul sat same table with us and he help us to answer the questions and explain the topic that we not really expert. 


On 7th March 2019, we got the assessment from Sir Fakhrulrazzi at TECC. Before we got our assessment Sir Fakhrul is already tell us about chapter 6 Supportive Based Contract. As usual, we must do in the same group and we got the topic about Hiwalah. Sir Fakhrul want to give the presentation's topic fairly so he ask one members from each group to came out for voting. so we send Alif as our group representative. We expect that we can get a topic of Ar-Rahnu but unluckily we got Hiwalah๐Ÿ˜. The topic of Hiwalah also involve a third party, if you guys noticed we always got a topic that involve third party such as Selling debt to the third party and Bai' Tawarruq "๐Ÿ˜†". The topic of Hiwalah is pretty same as selling debt to the third party because from our first impression when we look up at book and from the explaination by Sir Fakhrul we can relate it was same like our topic before "Selling debt to the third party".

It is doing the assignment or gossip ๐Ÿ˜ฐ?

Pretending doing their works in front of the camera๐Ÿ˜›

Saturday, 9 March 2019

Ed Puzzle of Bay Tawarruq

Bismillahirahmanirahim ....

The day has come which we had to publish our ed puzzle about a speech of islamic speaker in Malaysia about Bay Tawarruq to the whole class after few weeks we're looking for. This picture show that it was our last touch up and edit before it being publish to our classmate. We had to transfer the video to our lecturer, Sir Fakhrurrazi . So one of our team members had to monitor and giving marks to the audience after they answer the questions because this application comes with Q&A section.

What we can say by looking at our classmate marks, we can say that most of them managed to understand what is this concept about. We just realized that this application is much easier than other application we have been use . It is because everyone can understand it very clearly because it come with questions. We put at least 5 questions for this concept of Bay Tawarruq and most of them got to answered it correctly. 90% of them can answered the questions and got full marks, which is it is mean that they are fully understand the whole concept.

                              Here i will put how this application of ed puzzle works

                         This is the picture of our classmate doing Q&A section on ed puzzle


"WHICH GROUP VOLUNTEER TO BE THE FIRST GROUP FOR PRESENTATION?"- Ask Sir Fakhrurrazi to us.  As usual, student's na...