Saturday, 9 March 2019

Ed Puzzle of Bay Tawarruq

Bismillahirahmanirahim ....

The day has come which we had to publish our ed puzzle about a speech of islamic speaker in Malaysia about Bay Tawarruq to the whole class after few weeks we're looking for. This picture show that it was our last touch up and edit before it being publish to our classmate. We had to transfer the video to our lecturer, Sir Fakhrurrazi . So one of our team members had to monitor and giving marks to the audience after they answer the questions because this application comes with Q&A section.

What we can say by looking at our classmate marks, we can say that most of them managed to understand what is this concept about. We just realized that this application is much easier than other application we have been use . It is because everyone can understand it very clearly because it come with questions. We put at least 5 questions for this concept of Bay Tawarruq and most of them got to answered it correctly. 90% of them can answered the questions and got full marks, which is it is mean that they are fully understand the whole concept.

                              Here i will put how this application of ed puzzle works

                         This is the picture of our classmate doing Q&A section on ed puzzle



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